Disha foundation, A CBO (community Based organization) Was established in January, 2014, by a group of Ex-drug users with an ample experience in the field since last 18 Years . in turn Drug addiction . had Already affected their own lives and motivated them to Contribute towards addressing Alcohol/Drug addiction related issues .We are registered Under society Act 1860, No: 23593/16 of 14-15 Dated 11.6.2014.
A Collective effort by these people Were necessary as they have experienced the horrible Consequences of drug use. To minimize damage due to Drug addiction, the group felt it as highly essential to serve the society at large . Through the power of the Collective initiative , Disha Foundation moved Forward Consistently to Fulfill their Vision.
Preventing drug abuse and seek to uplift the physical and mental health and betterment of the youth and the society as a whole.
An Organization / a Community that offers opportunities for the health and hygiene of youth free from the harm by drug abuse.